She prefers to eat 23 cheese slices with a bottle of pepsi to 230 french fries with ketchup + mayonnaise.She likes to play video games, lollipops and is learning Karate, as seen in the new path system.Zari likes the Korean musical band BTS.However, "Zari" is the masculine form for "pink" in Arabic. In addition to her name being Persian, her name also means "pink" in Arabic. I was thinking about my blonde-haired Georgian girlfriend, or at least in my mind she was because she’d already settled down, married, had kids, but hey, in my mind, in my mind. So there I was, sitting alone in front of my computer monitor masturbating and playing Duolingo. Zari's name might be short for the Persian name Zarin/Zareen/Zarina which can mean golden, fitting her character. The latest classic by yer ol' pal, DaveTheUseless.Zari was confirmed to be Muslim when the Duolingo team used her to celebrate Muslim Women's Day.Zari attends the same school as Lily and Miguel, which is futher confirmed in "The new student".Zari's favorite food includes pineapple pizza, hamburgers, coffee, ice cream, lollipops, raspberries, chocolate & salad.Zari's New Year's Resolution for 2021 was to save eating ice cream till after dinner.It is entirely possible that she still has this lollipop, as shown in Duolingo's path system. In Duolingo ABC, the story "The Giganto-Pop" shows her trying to eat an entire giant lollipop that's even bigger than her own size. Sari's love for lollipops has been known to extend to her younger years.It's confirmed that Zari lives with her mother, father & brother as seen in "Thanks, Mom.".When Zari is younger, as seen in Duolingo ABC, she wears a light blue hoodie covering most of her hair, the rest of her older appearance is the same.It was said that she didn’t return the books and always wants to keep borrowing things, causing Lily's library card to be suspended (because Zari lost her card), as seen in "Late Fees." Her favorite books are The History of Unicorns & Teenage Vampires In Love volumes 1 & 2.Her favorite animals are baby animals, as seen in her profile.She has arachnophobia, as seen in "Nature Hike".She is terrified of parrots and has psittacusphobia, as seen in "Pirate World".She loves reading, as seen in "Late Fees".She loves challenges, as seen in "My Horse Hates Me".She works in a clothes store, as seen in "What do you Want?".Zari's diary color is pink, as seen in "The Diary".If you know something that doesn't appear here, contribute and document here!)

(Bits of information about Zari's character and lore are scrambled across dozens of Stories, videos and Social media posts.

In Zari's early design, she's an adult woman that had a coral pink hijab convering her entire hair, a dark gray shirt, a coral pink long skirt, dark gray shoes and a grin as a default expression instead of a smile.She is medium height and has large, rounded hips, she is shown smirking in her new design, In ABC, Zari appears to be the same except for short height from her age, and wears a solid bright blue hoodie. She also wears a solid bright blue long sleeved shirt and baby pink pants with a belt darker in color.
#Duolingo goth girl skin
Zari is a female high school student with brown skin and straight black hair that runs out of her baby-pink-colored headscarf.Zari's Favorite Band / My Favorite Band.The stories' names may change depending on your language.